Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Media 2020D

Now as for my New Media backround I am going to say I have 0 experience. I made a myspace once, but my brother did all the work and I haven't been on it since he made it for me. I also have one of those msn spaces, I only made it to post pictures and stories for my friends and family while I was in Costa Rica. All of my yonger sisters are quite good with computers, but I am not. I don't even own a computer. I took this class cause I heard it was interesting and I love learning new skills, and ofcourse because my friend signed up with me. By the end of the class I am hoping to be able to do something cool, I am not sure what we learn in this class weither it is graphic design or web design, I'm not picky as long as I have something to show for it. I also hope to recieve an A in this class too. ;) So as fro my experence, I have next to none. I have heard of photoshop before, but don't know how to work it. And I have no idea what dreamwever and primere are. I do not have a video camera, and what is a digital still??? I have a digital camera is that what you mean??? Its not the greatest but it gets the job done.

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